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Tainted Love: A Novel: 2 (Sweetest Taboo Series)

Tainted Love - Eva Márquez I am a huge of this series so much that when I got the ebook of Tainted Love in my email inbox I just uploaded it to my nook sat down and read the whole thing! I need to know what was going to happen between Tom and Isabel now that they were out of the student / teacher relationship. Now remember this book is for an older YA audience especially Tainted Love since it is more of a New Adult book. If you have problems with the idea of them having been a teacher/student couple I would say don't read it but remember it is fiction. Forbidden romance is really exciting whether it be Vampire/Human or Student/Teacher. I felt like all of my opinions about Tom from the last book reversed completely. As a character I did not trust him and I felt that he was leading Isabel on. In Tainted Love you learn that is not the case at all. Tainted Love shows an evolution of Isabel who as a college student is no longer the naive gullible little girl she once was. I think that before in Sweetest Taboo I felt Tom had some problems but I think Isabel has more. She enjoys being in these horrible relationships. Tom has his faults but he loves her so much and she goes and sleeps with another guy who is married that could care less about her. I felt so bad for Tom, he had the whole stalker who loved you so much wonderful creepiness going on. If you find this weird just read The Great Gatsby and understand what I mean!Through Isabel's escapades with her college professor that she runs off with because she thinks she got rejected by Tom I was like this is completely crazy compared to the last book.I am stilling holding out for Tom and Isabel so I am waiting patiently for them to finally be together. Now I feel horrible for despising Tom so much in the other book because having his point of view told really made it so much better to understand. I was heart broken when he thinks Isabel didn't love him. Roles were truly reversed in this book Tom became the love sick teen and Isabel was the character who we could really figure out.I just hope Eva let's Tom and Isabel have a happily ever after!

Apollyon: The Fourth Covenant Novel

Apollyon - Jennifer L. Armentrout Be Aware this is the fourth in the series meaning I can't help but have some spoilers in it! Seriously go start this series now! You won't regret it! If you are a fan of The Vampire Academy and Percy Jackson and the Olympians series that you will love the Covenant series!Apollyon is the fourth book in Covenant series and let me tell you it is by far the most explosive! This whole series has been building up to this book!At the end of Deity, Alex awakens as the Apollyon and turned to Seth, which was one of the most crazy cliff hangers I have ever read. As a main character I love Alex but she was so aggravating. "My Seth" was annoying and really funny. I was so elated when Alex went back to her normal self.Can Aiden get anymore wonderful? He stayed by her side when she was evil and beat him up! I love them as a couple and that grew throughout this book. They have such a great relationship and are perfect.I am so glad that there was even more use of Greek Mythology. Apollyon has Apollo playing a large role in this one too. We also met Persephone and Ares. I didn't quite expect Alex to go back to the Underworld that quick but the journey with Aiden was very exciting.Apollyon really demonstrated how much Alex has matured as a character throughout the series! Especially towards the end of the book when she learned her fate! I think she was able to deal with everything in this book a lot better. The old Alex would have either lashed out or turned away from everyone. I think this development of character was great to see. One thing that I loved about this series is that Alex wasn't always the strongest or most powerful she got defeated a lot! Yes she kicks ass though. The last fight scene was crazy Alex got her ass handed to her. It was semi emotionally disturbing!Two characters that are dead were brought back, though they are still dead obviously but this was done through interaction in the underworld where the dead live and help from the Gods! It was nice to see Caleb and Alex's mom. I like the idea that anyone can come back in this series in a ton of ways. So I had thought that Caleb’s death was one of the most emotional events in this series more so than Alex’s mom which is weird to say but for me I think Lea’s was worse. Alex may not have gotten the time to grieve yet which is why I think this will be harder for Alex in the next book but Lea was someone we just now in the fourth book got to fall in love with. Lea was always portrayed by Alex as this major bitch but we realize that she like Alex has gotten the short end of the stick a lot. In this series Lea has lost everyone she has ever loved so it was really just a sad thing to see this war take her life as well.I think that this book ended in an odd way. I felt that the ending would have been more impactful if it ended right after the huge fight scene. But it left the book on a lighter note. Though Apollyon was a very great and exciting book it was definitely more of a filler book. Several major things were revealed but compared to the rest of the series I don't think that much happened in this book.I am pretty sure that Sentinel is the fifth and last book in this series! I am going to be so sad to see it end! So much has to happen to tie up everything in this series! I don't doubt that Sentinel will be crazy and absolutely amazing!

Losing It (Losing It, #1)

Losing It - Cora Carmack Losing It is a new adult book that I really enjoyed, it had a lot going for it romance, comedy, angst and so much more ! Losing It is narrated by Bliss Edwards whose best friends thinks that Bliss needs to loose her virginity. They go to a bar and Bliss meets a hot British guy named Garrick who obviously has a wonderful accent. They go back to Bliss's apartment and they are just about to have sex when she has a freak out and leaves her place spewing some lie about getting her cat (she doesn't own a cat). 8 hours later Bliss heads to her Theater class to find Garrick as her new professor. I knew this was a teacher/student book but I am glad that the book's blurb didn't give too much of the plot away. The new adult age group works bet with the whole student/teacher relationship. But it happened in a very unexpected way. The way the plot unfolds is so humorous! Bliss makes up this elaborate lie about owning a cat to the point that she goes to adopt the cat she describes. The big negative that I had was how short this story was. It is roughly under 200 pages. The plot was great and had a ton potential. So much more could have occurred. I think that if the plot was expanded upon and not so rushed this book would have gone from great to freaking amazing. Though I did like that the end was set in future and was a nice wrap up for the characters. The reader gets to be fully content seeing what happens after out happily ever after! I wish that Cora would have gone further into the future though.If you are looking for a very cute fluffy read that has a lot of sexual tension! And who doesn't love a man with a British accent! I am really falling head over heals for new adult contemporary romances. This book can be considered a stand alone but this is a series with the sequel being Faking It following Cade!

Deity: The Third Covenant Novel

Deity - Jennifer L. Armentrout Deity is the third book in the epic Covenant series by Jennifer L. Armentrout who is proving to be one of my favorite authors! I have been slacking on my reviews lately so I have already read Apollyon! And just finished her new adult contemp Wait For You! I have read 8 JLA books in 2013! I am obsessed with her writing style. She writes in such a humorous way that it is easy to read and sounds like something a teen would think or say. But when the story gets to a heart felt place or turn sad, she finds a way to rip your heart out and drag it across the floor. This book was crazy compared to the rest of this series it was even more exciting and action packed! Everything I wanted to happen did. There were so many plot twists though that I never expected!At the end of pure Alex is definitely going to get into a lot of trouble after killing a pure blood if anyone finds out. So Aiden compelled another pure to forget which makes him in as deep of trouble as Alex.In Pure I became much more fond of Seth but that completely changed in this book. He was so horrible in this book! I still think he is redeemable but after how he acted in the end with lucian I am not that sure. Seth just wants to be loved but going to the length of killing someone to please Lucian is really sad.Deity really made use of more greek mythology. We met some gods in this book! Apollo and Hades as well as a mention of Poseidon appeared which was so exciting! I really liked that Apollo became a main character. Hopefully even more in Apollyon the next book. I still don't quite understand the whole Order of Thanatos but it is all really interesting.Alex died and came back again in this book! We got our first experience in the underworld. And we got to see Caleb again. The Caleb scene was really emotional for me and probably everyone else who reads it!Alex learned that her father was at The New York Covenant and really wants to try and find him again. Alex and Aiden finally caved into their feelings. Pure wonderfulness I swear they are magic!Apollyon is going to be more of what I like to call the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter Book 7) affect! When the story took place at one setting for the majority of the time but then leaves for an entire book. The covenant was destroyed thankfully it was a break and so was deity island. Seth and Lucian will be going after Alex as well as the gods. Right at the very end Alex awakens as the Apollyon and turn towards Seth to evil! Dun Dun DUN!!!

The Way We Fall

The Way We Fall - Megan Crewe This book was definitely not what I expected it to be. It was probably one of the best books I have read this year. I thought this was going to be a dystopian post-apocalyptic book but it is set in the present time. The fact that it was more realistic made it extremely scary! This book’s is set up in a series of letters to the main character Kaelyn's friend who doesn't live on the quarantined island. The letters worked out very well and setup the story in an interesting creative way. I liked that the romance was kept to a minimum. This story was more than just a love story. But I think when you are reading this book you needed something to brightened up this very depressing book! Speaking of depressing I didn't expect so many people to die! This book made me cry so many times! All the feels were just too much. The only thing is that I wish there was a chapter in the beginning, not in letter form, that set up the relationship between the narrator and the friend she wrote the letters to. It made the story hard to keep up with and I just wanted to understand the family a little more! It was hard to sift through the information that was given throughout the book to figure out Kaelyn's life before the virus outbreak.This story was highly addicting and I just couldn't put this book down! I definitely think readers will love the mystery and adventure when a virus breaks out on an island and the outside world turns their backs on the victims and survivors! You just need to read The Way We Fall because it will freak the shit out of you in the most common way by getting sick.P.S. - I was really expecting people to rise from the dead as zombies! Yeah that didn't happen I was slightly disappointed.


Dualed - If you love dystopian as much as I do you will with out a doubt be obsessed with Dualed! What I love most about a dystopian society is that the stakes are extremely high! When there is an alternate you out there who you have to kill to determine your worth in society I would say that is pretty high. It is just a crazy concept to wrap your mind around. It creates a kill or be killed world. The thought of killing someone who looks exactly like you is unbelievable. Dualed features a lot of actions scenes obviously and they were really well done. Some actions scenes don't always flow so easily but Elise wrote them perfectly. There were several themes in this book that translate so well with current events today that made the story very thought provoking, yes this is an extremely fictionalized book but the ideas of competition and friendship were fantastic.West as a main character wasn't perfect at all which I admired. A flawed character is always more real. That being said I found it hard to connect with her when I first started this book. It may have been from the amount of loss and grief she had to deal with right of the beginning. Her grief process was very much internalized so for me she became slightly frustrating. At the same time I felt horrible for this girl who had to deal with death her whole life and was stuck in a world of survival of the fittest. But on a side not she does a lot of unexpected things if you read the book , one word strikers!Dualed was an amazing action dystopian novel that will make you put today's world into perspective. West is a non-perfect living in a non-perfect world and you will be sucked into this story.

The Elite

The Elite - Kiera Cass The Elite is the sequel to The Selection by Kiera Cass which was one of my most anticipated releases of this year. The Selection has been described by many as The Hunger Games meets The Bachelor. I have been a fan of Kiera Cass even before she published books from youtube. I really enjoyed The Selection it was a great world and very exciting. It was definitely nice to see a mix of a very serious topic but with a very fluffy twist. One thing that I disliked about The Selection was that it had an abrupt ending. As soon as the story picked up the pace it ended. At times I felt like these two books could have been one large book.The Elite left me with some mixed feelings. I think it was a great continuation and displayed a large amount of character development but at the same time I didn't like said developments. The Elite had a ton more action than the first book from the rebels, torture, and girl fighting. Overall it had a more intense and anxious mood to it.I am definitely TEAM MAXON but both Maxon and America bothered me this book. Seriously the worst thing Maxon could ever do was kiss Celeste and he did. So now as a reader I don't trust him. Even though he explained himself and was warranted because America was being a moody bitch. I still ship them but they can be downright annoying at times. Then the whole Marlee thing happened and America was more upset by it than Marlee. She blamed it on Maxon when he had nothing to do with it. Aspen and Kris really surprised me because they were two characters that I tried too hard to not like but I really couldn't help it.I definitely felt that The Elite explained and showed more of the caste system. In the reports we realize how greedy and unfair the king truly is. Maxon hasn't even had total control in The Selection. I think Maxon will make a great king as of how he changed in this installment.I feel as though nothing much happened throughout this book yet so much did. It ends off pretty much the same way as The Selection of America having to make a choice. This time it had less to do with Aspen but more her choice to actively try to win The Selection. America may annoy me as a character but she really does want to bring about change. I love how strong she is.This series is a trilogy and the next book is titled The One (cover art not revealed as of now). This title definitely means Maxon is going to pick someone. (Fingers crossed it is America) or even America will have to choose. I hope that The One will finally answer my questions about the rebels and the war. I still feel slightly unconfused about the back story of the royal family. I can't wait for The One! Also I was so bummed to find out that The Selection pilot wasn't picked up by The CW!Original Review on DanaSquare book blog

Bloodlines the Indigo Spell (Bloodlines (Mead - Hardcover))

The Indigo Spell - Richelle Mead If you aren't as obsessed with this series as I am Sydrian = Sydney + Adrian just informing you so that when you see it you don't think I am spelling characters names wrong!Is the highly anticipated third book in the bloodlines series by Richelle Mead. I am still so surprised at how addicted I am to this spin off series. It is so different from Vampire Academy but I am obsessed! Sydney's perspective on this world is so contrasting to Rose. I miss Rose and her humor but I think Sydney is more relatable for the average teenage girl. We did get a small scene with Rose in this book which was great.I really loved the expansion of magic in this book hello baby dragon adorableness! The multiple plot lines that created many conflicts were fantastic. There was never a dull moment in this book! With all the crazyness of finding Marcus Finch, Angeline, Witches, the wedding, and so much more.The wedding was one of my favorite parts of this book and maybe even the series. Adrian asking Sydney to dance was so adorable and though people didn't realize it was because of him actually liking her it was great. This was the first time in the spin off that we got to see Lissa and Christian again! Rose and Dimitri are just so perfect for each other. I love that this series gives Adrian a happy ending. I always felt bad in Vampire Academy knowing that Rose was going to end up with Dimitri and Adrian was going to end up alone!I was really frustrated with Sydney starting this book and throughout it. The Golden Lily had this expectation that they were going to put aside the prejudices of society. But Richelle Mead dangled Sydrian in front of us then ripped it from us! But Adrian chasing after Sydney in the book was wonderfully adorable and funny! Them being Mother and father to the baby dragon gave my heart so many warm fuzzy feeling. And again in this book Sydney finally realizes she needs to be with him then her sister shows up and thwarts our happiness! Richelle Mead how dare you take away our feels!Marcus Finch was a surprisingly good character! I want to know more about him and his story. It was weird thinking of him being a romantic interest for Sydney. How OLD is this guy? I know he isn't that old for her but I pictured him older so it was creepy for me. I was conflicted about Sydney not being an alchemist. I want her to be away from them because they can't be trusted but if she does this series changes and she can no longer maintain her job!I am happy that Sydney will be able have her sister there. Hopefully their relationship will grow and heal. But I really don't like her as a character I find her to be whiny bitchy, and I think she will do whatever it takes to get ahead. I don't think Sydney can trust her sister to look out for her! I hope Adrian and Sydney will be able to have a relationship with out being caught!

Opal (Lux Novel)

Opal - Jennifer L. Armentrout I love the Lux series but for me Opal wasn't my favorite. I enjoyed reading it but it felt very different from the rest of the series. I liked Katy and Daemon more when they weren't together and just flirting with each other. I couldn't stand Dee through most of the entire book and I understood why she was acting that way but I wanted to bitch slap her throughout the book!Now that the little rant is over I love Dawson so much he is adorable. I feel so bad that all he wants to do is find Beth. He definitely became one of my favorite characters during this book. His love for her is so endearing. Just made me want to do a happy dance every time I read it!There were a lot of unexpected events that I didn't see happening at all. Unexpected characters coming back and a certain character dying that you would never believe. Finding out that Opal can enhance powers. Then there is the ending which I just can not believe happening. I have no clue what Katy is going to do! I have a ton of theories my favorite two crack pot theories are cloning or she becomes evil. Either way that cliffy was cray cray. It left me hanging and wondering what the hell is going to happen!Overall I really love this series but this one wasn't my favorite. I felt that it dragged on a bit and wasn't as exciting as the rest of the book in the series. But I can't wait for Origin to come out because I need to know what is going to happen like now! I hope that with Origin the books become a little more like the 1st and 2nd! Till then I am patiently (cough anxiously cough) waiting!Also I am going to try and read all of Jennifer L. Armentrout's books starting with the covenant series!Check out my review on my blog DanaSquare where it was originally posted- Opal Review

Shatter Me

Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi *** So I have actually already read Unravel Me so I will try not to spoil any of that book but some of my opinions from Shatter Me have changed after reading it but I am going to try hard to tell you my first impression thoughts***Shatter Me is one of the best books I have read in a while. I was quickly hooked on this book and series , quite frankly I found myself wondering why I didn't read it sooner! Tahereh Mafi somehow found a way to make every aspect of this book perfectly amazing.So when I first started this book I knew that it already had this giant following so I really didn't want to be let down by it. When I first started it I was extremely confused mainly because at the beginning Juliette is in solitary confinement at an institution and we don't know why or how. Slowly the story begins to build and understanding comes. I was hooked. The one thing you will hear from anyone that has read this book is how excellent the writing style is. Not only do the words flow beautifully but through out this series certain thoughts that the main character has that she feels aren't right or she shouldn't think that are crossed out. It really builds her character because everyone thinks things that they wouldn't act on or say, which doesn't make you a bad person. Or Juliette's quirky habit of counting random things was just cool.If you think read one dystopian read them all then you are surely mistaken. Shatter Me is set in a futuristic world in which resources are scarce and so the world has become so bad that a new government was set up The Reestablishment. But The Reestablishment is not what it seems. So the part of Shatter Me that I love is that it has almost X-men like qualities Juliette's touch can kill someone if she touches you long enough. Which makes Juliette have a lot of emotional issues. Juliette gets taken by the son of the leader of this new government, Warner, to be used as a weapon but she meets Adam a soldier who knew her before she was in the crazy house. Long story short he is the special one who isn't hurt by her touch so love story ensues. I have to say that for me Adam wasn't the greatest love interest but I still enjoyed it, he definitely grew on me by the end I was in love. I just wasn't sure who Juliette could trust and who was being truthful which made this book so exciting. For those of you that hate love triangles Shatter Me is very minimal where as Unravel Me contain one. There is Warner but he loves Juliette but she wants nothing to do with him so much she tries to kill him. When read this one I didn't like Warner and he kind of scared me but he did grow on me in the next book a lot. I loved the characters in this book they were all very distinct and even the ones I didn't like grew on me eventually because I understood them so well. Especially Juliette at the beginning was a very mentally unstable girl then at the end she was so strong and able to stand up for herself. At the conclusion of the book you are left wondering how and when this rebellion is going to happen. And Unravel Me definitely has a ton more action than Shatter Me. You will be in love and fangirling over these books, desperately wanting more.

Firelight (Firelight Series)

Firelight (Firelight Series) - I had heard a lot of great things about this series and it was definitely well worth it. It was a super quick read for me I got so absorbed into right from the start. I think that definitely had to be from the difference in the theme of it. (By theme I mean the sub category of genre i.e Vampires, Faeries, Werewolves, Witches and so on.) This book contains a girl who can transform into a DRAGON! Say WHAT! I know crazy right and super creative. I just wanted to know more and understand the character of Jacinda better.The actual description of the dragon inside Jacinda called a Draki what really cool and interesting at times I found it to be slightly corny about her dragon dying. But how else could you describe such a thing with out it becoming corny!I liked Jacinda as a main character she was a little whiny but in the situation that her mother put her in it was understandable and didn't make me dislike her. Her mother and sister I just despised because they forced their opinions and beliefs on her which I didn't like. I loved that Jacinda still remained very independent and strong willed through out this book. This book is worth the hype it gets and I am excited to see where this story can go and how it goes through the coming conflict that was being built up through out this book! I need some more Will time like STAT.Now on to the romance in this story. I would say it is more of an insta- attraction/love but not really because both Will and Jacinda fight it. But it wasn't that frustrating. I liked the forbidden aspect of their relationship he being a Dragon Hunter and her a Dragon. But there was a lot more to it they had this weird connection and he was little bit more than human. I was definitely not expecting the ending of this story. I felt it was a little abrupt but the cliff hanger does make me want to go and buy the sequel.

Onyx (Lux Novel)

Onyx - Jennifer L. Armentrout I think I enjoyed this one more than Obsidian which is crazy! I actually started this at 1am and the finally at 3am realized sleep was somewhat important. You can't help but become so obsessed with these books that it is all you can think about itOne frustrating thing about this one was Katy denying that Daemon liked her. It was the complete opposite of insta love but when they are together they are perfect. Onyx really took this series to a new level. There were so many twists and turns. As a reader you weren't sure which characters you could trust. I was unsure of where this story would go after Obsidian but I have to say I loved it. I enjoyed the addition of human mutation by Alien healing, and then the details behind that was really interestingAlso more interaction with the DOD. I thought this was great compared to Obsidian where they were some foreboding group that wasn't that big of a problem. Also the turn of events with Bethany and Dawson was strange and sad in a way but I am glad it happened. Especially Dawson coming back right after such a horrible death. Adam being killed was so sad but when I thought Dee died I was like OH HELL NO! There was another Roswell TV Show connection in this one the human mutation was also in that and they adopted their powers, I think I am just being really picky about this.I am really excited for Opal but I may save it for awhile because I heard there is a major cliff hanger that may make me go crazy for! Also the release of Shadows the prequel novella with Dawson and Bethany sounds great!Check out the review on my blog DanaSquare where it was originally posted- Onyx Review

The Goddess Test

The Goddess Test - Aimee Carter So I am pretty late in the Goddess Test band wagon but I am really glad I read this. At first I wasn't so sure about this book for several reasons but by the time I got to the end it all made sense and I was definitely happily surprised.As a character I liked Kate. She was mature and she definitely was a great protagonist. She grew through out the story, but what I loved most was how she reacted to the situation she was in with having a mother with cancer. She was so loyal and such a good person. My problem with her was that she was extremely gullible at times. Which leads to my overall problem was that the beginning of this book was not very believable and was slightly corny. Usually I never think that about YA books and just go along with it but this one was crazy that some guy brings a girl you hated back to life and then you have stay with him for 6 months out of the year like the Greek Myth.After I got over that fact and started to get hooked I really enjoyed the story. Aimee used Greek Mythology in such an interesting way. In many ways she was able to humanize the Gods by making Kate think they were human. I was surprised by how the book ended and realizing what the Goddess Test was which it was based on the Seven Deadly Sins. I found it funny that when you put the way these characters acted and connected it to the Greek Gods they really were it made sense. I loved Henry as a character. He was definitely the character that had the most layers. I liked the spin that Aimee took saying Persephone had free will in the choice and by saying that she showed how her leaving him was so devastating for. He loved her so much and I am glad that he was able to move on with Kate. But it is weird that technically they are sisters so you can see a problem with him not truly loving her for her. But hopefully there will be more of a love story development in the sequel because that was slightly too fast! Also I was so confused by the whole love potion because I thought that was what was leading up to in their actual relationship but that is beside the point.So I definitely don't know where this story can go from here but I am super excited to see and for some reason I want Kate to have a relationship with someone other than Henry though I like him I just need to more conflict!


Splintered - A.G. Howard Before reading Splintered I had never really been very enamored with the world of Wonderland. I hadn't read the book but I enjoyed the movies. So to say that after reading Splintered I want to read the original by Lewis Carroll tells you how much I enjoyed reading Splintered. When someone asked how it was all I have to say was weird but in an amazing way.Splintered follows Alyssa Gardner a young girl who is the decedent of Alice Liddel who went down the rabbit and told her story. But every female in the line after has gone crazy talking about Wonderland. I didn't expect this story to be as dark as it was, which was mostly reflected in the twists made about the well known characters from the story. The major love interest in the story is Jeb. Alyssa's long friend that she has a huge crush on. I think it was great to have him with her in Wonderland than be on the journey alone it created more drama and I always love a good love story. Then there is Morpheus who is the portrayal of the Caterpillar and he is a tragic character, his major fault being his love for Alyssa and what it drives him to do also his love for himself. Whenever I thought I knew what was going to happen it would all be turned around because of the information Alyssa was getting from other wasn't always true. I enjoyed all the twists and turns but at the end there were so many it became hard to keep up with. I liked that this story wrapped up really nicely and cutely too. I know that it at the moment is a stand alone but it is just one of those world's that I couldn't get enough of and would love to read more of. Also I would love to read more about Morpheus who was such a complex and intriguing character even though I was definitely rooting for Jeb/Alyssa but I want me some Morpheus!You are going love this take on Wonderland and be left wanting more!

The Vincent Boys

The Vincent Boys  - Abbi Glines The Vincent Boys has been one of those hyped books that I wasn't sure if it was worth it. I was expecting not to like this book just because I am more of a fantasy or science fiction reader but I loved it. The Vincent Boys has a really fantastic love triangle which for some reason is something that people aren't enjoying lately. What makes the love triangle in this book special is that both boys represent apart of the narrator Ashton and she has to decide whether she knows who she wants to be. Sawyer is the good boy and the guy that Ashton's father who is a Pastor (I am not sure if that is the correct terminology) would approve of. Beau, on the other hand, is the town's resident bad boy. They just so happen to be cousins that Ashton grew up with. Beau and Ashton were always closer when they were young, up until Ashton started dating Sawyer. There was never a doubt for me that Ashton belonged with Beau. Beau was a fantastic character for me he was funny and brooding. I wasn't the biggest fan of Sawyer more towards the end of the book once people found out about Ashton cheating on him with Beau. I felt that what he did or really didn't do was horrible. But once everything was resolved and we got our happy ending I liked him again.What I love about this story is that it is set in the south. As a native New Yorker it is always interesting for me to read about how different life can be in one country. The Southern setting to me just gives a book a different feeling examples Beautiful Creatures and All of Nicholas Spark's novels.The Vincent Boys has a lot of qualities that remind me of a Soap Opera mainly the fact of the real family connection between Beau and Sawyer. That to me was cheesy. Another thing that I wasn't a huge fan of was the reaped phrase that Ashton and Beau kept saying. Ashton referred to the part of her that wanted to be with Beau as her inner bad girl which said once isn't that annoying but over and over was just irritating. Other than that this story is absolutely amazing.The Vincent Boys is an incredible love story that will leave you dying for more. You will definitely be wanting Beau to be a real life guy!

Pure (Covenant Series #2)

Pure - Jennifer L. Armentrout Beware there are some spoilers in here I just couldn't not discuss certain events!Is the epic sequel to Half-Blood in the Covenant Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I have probably read more Jennifer Armentrout books this year than any other author!Pure really had a lot of character development for the main characters. Alex over the course of half blood and pure faced tragedy, heart break, loss and love. She matured and become more responsible this book though she is still impulsive, which is what makes this story exciting.This series has a large focus on the romance and set up the love triangle between Alex, Seth, and Aiden. I wasn't the biggest Seth fan in the last book but he really grew on me in this book. He felt so genuine and his love for her was more than the Apollyon connection. He definitely had his jerk moments but I think they were because he cared for her. This book had me rooting for Seth surprisingly. Aiden pissed me off throughout this book. Obviously he cares for her and has feeling for her more than just a friend! I get that he lied to protect her but still he hurt her purposefully! It was just so aggravating and conflicting! He was so hot and cold with her! One minute he is giving her the cold shoulder ignoring her then he was being possessive and defending her honor.I cried several times throughout this book! The one death that I couldn't get over was Caleb. He was one of my favorite characters and I can't believe Jennifer L Armentrout killed him off! I was an emotional wreck for that scene!The world building was great in this installment. We got to see what other Covenants are like an how Purebloods are. In contrast the North Carolina Covenant is surprisingly liberal. Alex had attempts on her life and she is the next Apollyon! It was surreal to see how the drugged up Half bloods are used as slaves.There was a lot more incorporation of Greek mythology which is one of the parts that I found most unique about this book. There were the furies and the labyrinth. As well as more mention of the gods. Who I hope to see in the future books even some demigods! After the end, what happened at the New York Covenant I can't wait to see the implications of their actions. Aiden and Alex took huge risks at the attack! Alex injured a freaking fury! Seth and Alex got a little steamy! Who knows what will happen in the next book Deity!